Thursday, May 23, 2013

Baby Updates

Well, I've managed to make it through 5 weeks of bed rest so far!

Baby updates
Since going to labor and delivery with contractions 2 minutes apart at 21 weeks pregnant, I have progressed well and am just over 26 weeks pregnant now.  At 24 weeks, the boys' estimated weights were 1 lb. 4 oz. and 1 lb. 5 oz.  During the fetal echocardiogram, they found that the cord to the slightly smaller baby had slightly (very slightly) restricted blood flow.  They also found the levels of amniotic fluid to be slightly high, an indication that I might have gestational diabetes (no results yet).  During yesterday's ultrasound, the cord blood flow was back within normal range and only one of the amniotic sacs had slightly high fluid.  A large difference in fluid levels between the sacs is an indication of twin to twin transfusion syndrome.  But I was elated to hear things have gotten better and not worse over the past 2 weeks.  Every ultrasound tech and doctor have commented on how extremely active these boys are in my womb.  It is so very reassuring to feel them having a dance party in my belly every day. I swear they are going to be born crawling!  

The baby on my lower left did a complete 180 during our ultrasound 2 weeks ago, going from standing on my cervix to resting his head on my cervix.  He seems to prefer head down and will likely be the first born.  Our firstborn baby will be named Jackson.  He was also the slightly smaller baby (by on estimated ounce) at 24 weeks.   The baby on the upper right likes to be breech or transverse.  He seems to be slightly more active than his brother.  

Our ob will allow me to attempt a vaginal delivery even if the second baby is not head down as long as the baby closest to the exit is head down.  Also, for a vaginal delivery, the second baby cannot be significantly larger than the first baby.  The idea is that once the first baby is out, the doc will try to rotate the second baby head down.  If it is unsuccessful, a breech delivery is possible unless that second baby is a lot bigger than the first.  A big breech second baby might get stuck, a small one should just slide right out (i wish).  Right now, my lower baby is slightly smaller.

Dear lower left baby, 
Please grow as big as your brother.  Thank you.  
Love, Mommy

Mommy update
Bed rest is not fun.  That's all I'll say for now.  If one more person tells me to enjoy being pregnant or enjoy the rest while I can, I might punch them.