Tuesday, December 31, 2013

An amazing year:)

So one year ago, we had our first ultrasound.  It was confirmed we were pregnant, but not whether the pregnancy was viable.  They did not see the heartbeat, but we were only 5weeks 5 days along, and finding a heartbeat that early is hard.  We did not find out we were having twins until mid-January at our third ultrasound!  So unbelievable that now we have these amazing 5 month old babies:)

Video from this morning, New Year's Eve, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 23, 2013

5 months old today

Just enough time on my hands to say Merry Christmas!

Jack on left



Jack on left

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December is a busy month!

Picked a nice tree

Cut it down...

Brought it in the house

Decorated it!  

Bought and assembled some Christmas presents

Played some fun games with these guys!  Jack on left

Boys wore their first jeans!

Our house still looks like a baby circus:)

Ben eating green beans!

I made the boys a big snowman!



Sunday, December 1, 2013

Brother antics

I read somewhere (and can't remember where) that twins usually start interacting somewhere around five months, and don't really start playing "with" (vs playing alongside) one another until 18-24 months.  Well, these two are just too cute lately...really beginning to notice one another every once in awhile.  And, their balance is getting really good...in this video, Ben stands and balances himself for a few seconds:)