Friday, April 19, 2013

Lactated Ringers and gallon jugs

We went to the hospital yesterday with contractions, I was 21 weeks 2 days yesterday. They were about 2 minutes apart but very short in duration. There was no change in cervical opening or length, which was good. The first thing they did was give me IV fluids (the Lactated Ringers in the picture). I feel like I am the most hydrated pregnant woman on Earth, diligently drinking my gallon (or more) of water each day. It was almost insulting to suggest my lack of water drinking could have been the cause of the contractions. Every person who was seen me lugging around a gallon jug of water thinks I am an absolute lunatic...yet there I was being told again to drink more. At least the gave me a cup with a bendy straw:)

After about 6 hours in the hospital, the contractions were decreasing in strength and frequency. They sent me home with instructions to rest and go back in if things picked up again. I have a follow up appointment with my OB on Monday (she's in surgery today).

Sunday morning I started my first 24 hour urine collection. That was fun! Not only to you get to collect all of your urine for 24 hours, but you also get to put in the your refrigerator! They gave me a nifty 3L opaque container to store the urine. When I asked the nurse if anyone ever needed a bigger collection container, she actually LAUGHED and said NO ONE HAS EVER FILLED THE CONTAINER BEFORE. Well, I hope she got to see all of the pee I brought in on Monday morning. I had to call the on call doctor Sunday afternoon about 4pm because I was about to set the urine collection record and needed to know what to put the rest in since my container was nearly full. Don't worry, I don't really think the Guinness Book of World Records folks will be contacting me anytime soon, I think the nurse was just a dipsy-doodle. Lesson to her, gallon of liquid in = gallon of liquid out.

Normally this joyously fun activity is reserved for later in pregnancy, however, twins and pre-existing hypertension make me high risk for preeclampsia. They check your urine for protein, which means you are developing ( or already have) preeclampsia.

No contractions today so far! Babies seem to be doing their normal amount of kicking. I am resting it up until Monday. TTTS monitoring ultrasound on Wednesday. Stay put Jack and Ben!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nico! I am catching up on your blog and saw you got no comments on this one! I am laughing about your full urine jug and love how you do things to the fullest.
