Wednesday, June 5, 2013

28 weeks!!!

28 weeks as of yesterday.  I am measuring 35 weeks so I guess it makes sense that there is no position that is comfortable for me right now and presumably for the next 8-9 weeks.  Yay!  Stretch marks appeared overnight about 4 weeks ago and they keep on appearing despite my use of a variety of creams and oils...  I guess twin pregnancies are not kind to your belly skin -it is not made to stretch so fast!  

Baby A (lower left baby) listened to my plea last post and now weighs more than his brother.  Baby A was estimated at 2 lbs 5 oz and Baby B was 2 lbs 4 oz.  Baby B (on my right side), started out today's ultrasound feet down head up.  Bu the time the tech was done looking at Baby A, Baby B has flipped and was head down feet up.  Later, he moved to transverse, with his head on my right and feet on my left.  Once again, the tech was amazed at my little acrobats.  The downside was it took them 2 hours instead of 1 hour to finish the ultrasound.

This pregnancy has been pretty miserable.  Of course I will do everything I can to grow healthy, full-term babies, but just for fun, here are some things I can't wait to do again:
Sleep on my stomach
Take a hot bath or better yet sit in a hot tub
Drink some wine while in the bath
Walk in a normal fashion (not the pregnant lady walk)
Trail run
Ride a bike
Drink only as much water as I am thirsty for (no more measured gallon jug)
Play with my beautiful baby boys!!!

Weekly doctors appointments from here on out.  Baby B still had slightly high fluid, but Baby A measured normally so no worries at this point.

Mike just finished painting the nursery Monday night.  We still haven't finished hanging curtains and other things, but here is a preview picture.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these boys are going to keep you busy - so much moving!
