Monday, September 30, 2013


Having one infant is a challenge.  Having two infants is intense.  I can't imagine how a mother of triplets must feel...

Today I tried wearing both babies at the same time for the first time.
Other than the fact that I should have put socks and shoes on before the babies...I think it was a success.  The three of us took a short walk.  I wore flip flops:)

Looking down at Ben in the carrier.

Looking down at Jack in the carrier.

Sleeping boys post walk...the sleeping lasted all of 5 minutes once I put them down.

Their two month picture...well one of their two month pictures.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Walking and PSU game

Some updates in random order.

2 month doctors checkup on Monday
Jack weighed in at 9lbs 9.5oz and was 21 inches long.
Ben weighed in a 9lbs 12oz and was 20.75 inches long.
Both are around the 3rd percentile for weight, but they weren't even on the chart before.  They should be caught up in no time.

Looking back at how tiny they were 2 months ago is surreal...they are now looking like the adorable chubby newborns everyone expects, myself included.  Despite being 5 weeks premature, they are meeting normal developmental milestones so far.

Made it out for a walk today...
Ben slept the whole time!

Jack cried the whole time!

Jack got quiet when I pushed the stroller over bumps.  Ben started to wake up when I pushed the stroller over bumps...what's a mom to do?

Success entertaining Jack this morning.

Failed entertaining Ben this morning:). Note that my house looks like a baby carnival gone awry and only some of our baby gear is shown...there's so much more around every corner.

Sleeping babies on a walk earlier this week.

Rainy tailgate at the PSU game on Saturday.  

Saw the lion before heading home on Sunday.

Friday, September 20, 2013

8 weeks old already!!!!

Lounging in their boppy pillows!

Our little pumpkin - Ben

Brother time, Ben on left

Tummy time - Jack in red socks




Daddy time

Ben giving Jack some ear tickles:)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Finally an update

I write this with guilt as Mike tries to get Ben to sleep.  That being said, I just spent two hours getting Jack to sleep.  Since more people than I realized are following my blog, I will try to update more often.  Since getting mastitis twice and giving up pumping, I haven't made time to update...  Correction, I don't usually have time to pee, so I'm not making any promises here to update more frequently.  

They like looking at stuff, especially people's faces.  Ben on left.

Funny shirts I got at target a long time ago.  Jack on left.

Jack looking dapper after his first trip to college:)

Ben makes this face a lot...Jack would have his tongue out.

As stated, Jack with his tongue out.  Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Andras for the awesome gift!

Post baptism feeding with Mommom and Aunt Cindy.

Jack snuggle time:)

Mirror images:)