Friday, September 13, 2013

Finally an update

I write this with guilt as Mike tries to get Ben to sleep.  That being said, I just spent two hours getting Jack to sleep.  Since more people than I realized are following my blog, I will try to update more often.  Since getting mastitis twice and giving up pumping, I haven't made time to update...  Correction, I don't usually have time to pee, so I'm not making any promises here to update more frequently.  

They like looking at stuff, especially people's faces.  Ben on left.

Funny shirts I got at target a long time ago.  Jack on left.

Jack looking dapper after his first trip to college:)

Ben makes this face a lot...Jack would have his tongue out.

As stated, Jack with his tongue out.  Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Andras for the awesome gift!

Post baptism feeding with Mommom and Aunt Cindy.

Jack snuggle time:)

Mirror images:)

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