Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Growing so fast!

The boys had their second pediatrician appointment yesterday and will be 3 weeks old today!

Jack weighed in at 4lbs 14oz
Ben weighed in at 5lbs 4oz

They are going to be outgrowing their preemie sized clothes this week I think!

They are eating a lot, having some fussy times, and being cute.  Mike has been home from work and one of the grandmothers has been here every day, which has helped a lot...  A LOT!

Ben gives a big smile

Jack sleeping in his swing, hat made by cousin Kathryn!

Mommy and Jack at the pediatrician...Mommy and Daddy literally rolled out of bed and packed up the car to be on time for our 10am appointment.  We got there at the same time as another couple with a 2 month old and they looked just as bad as we did, so I felt better that I managed to put on real pants rather than PJs...

Ben holding his own pacifier as he often does

Sleeping boys in the pack and play.  Ben on left, Jack on right

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