Friday, August 2, 2013

Any day now!

Our little Jack, who had the hardest time at the start, will probably be our first to come home.  There is an outside chance he will come home this afternoon, but most likely tomorrow.  He only gained 5 grams since he was weighed last, now at 1935g.  The boys will be circumcised today and can technically go home the day they are circumcised.  Often babies don't eat very well after the circumcision, so they might keep him one more night to make sure he gains.

Ben, who we thought would be the first home all along, has been having some trouble breathing.  He stopped breathing briefly overnight on Wednesday night and had several alarms (low heart rate/low oxygen saturation) yesterday.  He needs to go at  least 48 hours without any alarms to go home.

So, once again we wait and see....

Jack yesterday, his poor little cheek looks less red!  
Notice his heart shaped (upside down) ear folds

Ben yesterday
Not a great angle, but his ear is different

Gran and Pop visiting

Mommy finally got to shop for her babies!

More cute clothes from Mommy:)

We had a frog INSIDE our bedroom window last night.  He made his loud grey tree frog noise. Mike thought he was outside, I thought it sounded like it was inside.  To humor me, Mike checked behind the curtain, and sure enough, there was a frog in our bedroom.  The little guy is safely outside again!

A different frog outside last night, same kind that was in our bedroom

Outside frog!

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