Friday, November 15, 2013

Reflux strikes again...

The boys' acid reflux was under control until about 2 weeks ago...gradually getting worse since then.  Went to the doctor yesterday and they want to do some X-rays of the boys to see if there is anything else going on...  We go back to the pediatrician on Monday, so we can get more info...  I went by myself on Thursday, so it was too hard to manage both boys and think logically enough to ask the right questions. 

The boys did get a weight update...  They were both the same weight...  Where did my little preemies go?  13 pounds 12.5 ounces!   My little chunky monkies:). That's the 20th percentile for weight compared to a full term baby.

Some pics from the last week...

Ben eating his bib at Gran's house

Aunt Linda and Uncle Stu, Jack on left

Ben with his twin cousins

Jack with his toys

Some brother love...Jack getting elbowed by Ben

Jack (in stripes) telling his brother to stop hogging the toys

Ben on left

Yes, there are two babies in what I have to say to everyone I run past...

Made it out despite a high of 43F...boys slept the whole time, so must have been warm.  Longest run to date postpartum...6 miles!  The second 6 mile run was last weekend and I was a whole minute per mile faster than last week!!  Go me!

Ben has learned he can move his head up and down in addition to side to makes for fun playtime, but he is extra distracted when you are tribg to feed him:). Jack is almost doing the same, Jack on left.

Ben on left...funny faces before bath time:)

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