Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Late summer fun

With he boys walking all over now (as of late July), they are super active and always interested in exploring.  We've taken a few late summer trips so that they can have fun exploring.  It's also nice for me to get them out of the is so much fun watching hem discover new places and things for the first time.

Delaware Natural History Museum, Jack left

We've gone here twice.  They are super child friendly and have a nice outdoor area as well.

DE Natural History Museum, Jack left

Ben outside at the Natural History Museum

Jack outside at the Natural History Museum

Milburn Orchards in Elkton, Ben left

Coatesville PA splash park, Ben left

Long wood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA...we've actually gone 3 times in 4 it here!  Ben left

Longwood Gardens again, Ben left

Mommom's house...she has fun toys!  Jack left

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Longwood Gardens

Jack taking a rest

Good thing mom brought us dry clothes for layer...said no baby ever.  They just loved getting soaking wet!

Trying to keep Jack OUT of the fountain!

Is my brother having more fun than me?

Ben experimenting with water.

Jack, in his dry clothes, with TWO pinwheels!  Isn't life great!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014

A week late, but we are 1!

Jack and Ben turned one last week.  I can't believe we survived the first year!  Don't get me wrong, I've loved every minute of it, but the last year (plus) has been really difficult.  

To celebrate our success, here are some cute first birthday pics!  I took the pics at home, my mother in law sewed the outfits, and my friend baked the cakes.  It was crazy stressful putting it all together, but the pictures turned out great!  I can hardly remember why I found it so stressful as I look at the great shots!
Jack (background d) was way more interested in the balloons.  



Jack left


Jack left




Both boys are walkers now, which is keeping me very busy!  They are such fun kids!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Beautiful spring

I ran at Susquehanna State Park last week with my best running friend and we took photos of our kids afterwards.  It's prime Virginia Bluebell bloom time and we couldn't resist the beauty of the flowers and the beauty of our children.  Please note...a few flowers may have been eaten by the babies, but I promise, we did not cause any long term damage to any plants:)

Ben left

Ben eats a bluebell...

Jack's hair is so amazing!

Beautiful boys, beautiful flowers!

Identical twins:). Can YOU tell who's who?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter, Happy Spring!

Haven't made time to post since the weather has been nice.  The boys love being outside and that's all we have been doing!  

Egg hunt at the neighbors house.  Ben left

Lunch at Capriottis.  Jack with Mike

Chilly April day at the playground.  Jack left

Ball pit doubles as play yard.  Ben left

Susquehanna SP.  Ben left

Selfie with Jack

@ Stevenson U. For cousin Kathryn's lacrosse game

Playground time!  Jack left/front

First family slide ride.  Ben left

Friday, March 14, 2014

Learning fast!

Wow!  I can't believe how quickly the boys are picking up new skills.  They are beginning to imitate me, which is so fun!

Jack was really trying to move today.  No actual crawling, but he is trying to figure out ways to move.

Ben is crawling backwards very well.  

I am excited for this weekend!  Mike will hopefully get to see the boys on the move!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Almost crawling!!!

Well, to start, the boys love bath time!
Jack left

Today, both boys crawled backward, meaning they are stronger in their upper bodies and haven't figured out how to push forward with their legs yet.



We had nice weather and a Groupon for some weekend fun!  We got lots of props for bringing twins to a winery.  Ben and daddy left.

Here's what most evenings look like in our house.  We play with the boys on the floor until they are sleepy.  Jack left. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

7 months old!

Time is flying by!  The boys are 7 months old already!

Jack is a very determined little boy.  He can focus on one thing for a long time, trying over and over to pick up a ball that keeps rolling just out of his reach or stretching further and further for his favorite toys, which are two plastic music notes.  He likes to play with a spoon or listen to music while eating.  He loves carrots and broccoli and any fruit that is not too tart.  He will roll over with purpose some days, and is not at all interested in rolling on other days.  He has become quite a balanced sitter, but is still prone to dramatic face plants, so we done leave him sitting unattended.  He is calm even when tired/cranky, and has been known to just close his eyes and fall asleep if he is overtired.  He has a really bad diaper rash that we can't get rid of, but we have some new recommendations from our pediatrician that will hopefully bring him some relief.  He seems to prefer his left hand very strongly, going cross body reaching with his left hand when we put things on his right side.  His laugh is used sparingly, but when he laughs, you can't help but laugh too, it's a contagious kind of giggle.

Ben is a loud and talkative little boy.  He will shout with glee when he is happy.  When he wants to be held, he will look at you and open his arms wide while opening and closing his fists, which I think is how he is misinterpreting the sign for milk.  (Side story, we have been trying to introduce some sign language, starting with milk and eat.  When we give them a bottle of milk, we show them the sign for milk and say the word milk.  BUT, we also are also picking them up and holding them at the time, so I think Ben is using the sign for milk when he wants to be held.  Impressive that they are attempting to sign at all...).  Ben's favorite toys include things that make loud noises when he shakes them and a large yellow leaf shaped, liquid filled teether.  He likes to try to feed himself with his spoon.  He used to take his spoon in his left hand, but he now likes to take the spoon with his left hand and transfers it to his right hand.  He seems to use both hands equally as well.  He loves going for rides on his toy fire truck, the faster the better.

With Daddy on a snowy Monday in March!  Jack on left

Our new inflatable bat tub.  Ben on left

Jack demonstrating his infectious laugh

A bit blurry, but Ben likes to stick out his tongue a lot lately.  Jack went through a tongue phase too, but when he was only a few months old:)