Sunday, May 24, 2015


I was able to get scheduled for surgery at the end of the calendar year, 12/31 (Happy New Year to me😭😲).  She found a removed a piece of tissue, leftover from my previous pregnancy, from inside my uterus.  She checked for the reappearance of my stage 3/4 endometriosis, but there was very little.  She found numerous adhesions, including my ovaries and bladder, all of which were attached to my abdominal wall.  She had to do a lot of work to free my bladder, so I got to take home my very own catheter for New Years.  I was in extreme pain compared to my last laporoscopy.  Last time I was fine taking ibuprofen instead of the prescribed painkiller (Vicodin, I think).  Not so much this time.  Plus, the four incisions took forever to heal and were weeping straw colored fluid for over 2 weeks.  Not easy to recover from with two demanding toddlers.

FET #3

Well, after our second frozen embryo transfer didn't work, I wanted to move on to our third transfer as soon as possible. Fortunately, with a natural cycle transfer, you can move on right away.  The downside to natural cycle transfers is that the transfer has to be done at the exact right time based on your cycle.  Well, my REs office is really great, open weekends and early mornings, but they were not going to be open Thanksgiving Day or available for transfers the first weekend in December.  All I could do was go in for daily blood work and ultrasounds and HOPE it wasn't all a waste of time.  If we missed my ovulation due to Thanksgiving or if I my transfer needed to be the first weekend in December, we'd have to cancel be try again next month.  If we tried again in December, we'd run into the same potential problems around the Christmas and New Year Holidays.

Monitoring appointments start on cycle day (CD) 9:
Sat Nov 22 2014
Tues Nov 25
Wed Nov 26
Closed thanksgiving day Nov 27
Fri Nov 28 - based on the ultrasound, they were pretty sure I ovulated (dominant follicle average size greater than 20mm) on Thansgiving Day.  What are the odds?!  The blood work would confirm (high estrogen and high luteinizing hormone).  I was expecting to either trigger that night or be cancelled.  The nurse who called later that day told me nonchalantly that they wanted me to come in again on Saturday.  I flipped, insisting she was making a mistake, or had the wrong bloodwork.  I made her check and double check and reconfirmed, and my hormones had not spiked yet.
Sat Nov 29 - ultrasound was with one of the doctors, who is also a surgeon. She right away pointed out a shadow in my lining.  She thought it was a possible uterine polyp or leftover piece of tissue from my previous pregnancy.  We decided to cancel the cycle after all and scheduled surgery to have the tissue removed.