Friday, September 11, 2015

Pregnant after IVF #2!

Those two pink lines kept getting darker. If you've never done IVF, you will think I'm a bit crazy.  Scratch that, even if you've done IVF you might think I'm a bit crazy!  Why?  Remember me saying a bought a 50 pack of cheap ($0.35 each) pregnancy tests from Amazon?  Yeah...well...true confession...I might have used up all 50 in 2 weeks time.  

There is so much uncertainty and after all of our failed cycles, it was so thrilling and joyful to see those two lines getting darker with each passing day.  Plus, they would have expired before we got a chance to try again.

Getting darker each day!

Getting really dark.  Blood test is coming up at 13dp5dt.

Of course the blood test brings more things to worry about.  They give you a numerical value that tells you how much HCG is in your blood.  So then you ask yourself, is it too low?  Too high?  

Then they repeat the test a few days later to see if the number is rising appropriately.  My first two numbers looked great!

I was a little worried since my numbers were "off the chart high."  More twins?  Oh.My.God.  If it's more twins I just might not survive!  I'd be blessed for sure, but blessed and scared out of my mind!

They repeat the blood test a third time, the number isn't as high and the rate of increase seemed to have slowed down.  Does this mean something is wrong with the baby?  Only more time will tell!

Comparison of my twin pregnancy numbers to this pregnancy.  So far, this pregnancy has higher HCG values.  Usually higher values are indicative of multiples, but it's unclear if identical twins have higher HCG values.  If we had another set, it would have to be identical twins again since we only transferred one embryo each time.

First ultrasound wasn't very revealing...confirmed an intrauterine pregnancy measuring appropriately for GA of 5w4d.  Too early to see a heartbeat.

Second ultrasound was one week later!  One perfect little heartbeat!  We were monitored weekly and everything looked great each time!

We decided to take weekly pictures this time!  Except printing the chalkboard style graphic each week is super expensive.  And hard to see as printed at 11x14.  So we are going to photoshop the chalkboard graphics into the frames. Except we haven't done that yet...  But, we have all the pictures and graphics made!

Measuring big at 10w4d.  The previous week, measurements were 3 days behind and I was so worried.  Unecessarily worried.  Again.

We announced our pregnancy after our first trimester screen and free fetal DNA tests came back low risk for genetic disorders (things that might lead to early miscarriage).

The new DNA tests are cool, they took my blood at 10w4d and we got results in 10 business days, including the baby's sex!  It's a....

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