Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Army 10-miler!!

So Mike survived the race and the boys and I had a decent weekend.  I am glad we made the trip...mostly to get me used to traveling with infants.  We brought a lot of stuff...but nothing we did not use and nothing too frivolous.  In fact, Ben had his longest sleep to date the first night in the hotel...he slept from 8:30pm until 4:45am.  Jack was up at 12 and 3, and I took the overnight feelings so Mike could get done pre-race rest.  I think I woke Mike up around 5:30...Ben slept so well he was not interested in going back to sleep.  And as with most first nights in a new place, I did not fall asleep easily, nor could I fall back asleep after waking to feed the babies.  Nothing a few cups of coffee can't fix...

Upon checking in to our hotel, Mike walked to a nearby grocery store to pick up some bottled water (the tap water tasted like the ocean...probably not good for formula mixing or pre-race hydration).  After buying 4 gallons of water, 4 vitamin waters, salad and salad dressing, and some ice cream, Mike remembered he had to carry it all about 5 blocks:). Not only that, but the vitamin water bag broke mid intersection on the way back.  Mike and the vitamin water all safely returned to the hotel:)

The boys' Godmothers came and helped me with baby duty during the race.  We missed seeing Mike and his brother run by, but we did make it out to cheer for some strangers:)

All bundled up to spectate at the army 10 Miler

Jack with the pumpkin hat

Frankenstein-Ben. Aka frankenben

Jack the Jack o'Lantern

Finishers!! we took some pictures...

Out to lunch...Noodles and Co = Yum!!

High rise hotel baby:)

Look...a Vitamin Water:)

Fun with iPhone filters makes it look like Jack has black eyes...freaky:)

Mommy and Ben

Hotel couches are gross...we brought an old duvet cover to cover the I said nothing frivolous:)

Just about all packed up and ready to leave!  Daddy and Jack

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