Thursday, October 17, 2013

Trying to recreate the perfect day

Yeah, so recreating the perfect day is impossible, but I should have known better.  Things are still going well, but the less good days make you appreciate the great days more, right?!?

We live in a new housing development, so there is a lot of construction going on.  It usually takes me at least 30 minutes to get both boys to settle down simultaneously for a nap.  After a rough hour long period where they were both exhausted, but fighting sleep for some strange reason, I finally get them to sleep.  Hoping to at least get dressed, brush my teeth, drink some coffee, and maybe even eat some breakfast, I sprint downstairs to start a pot of coffee.  I hear the loudest noise ever and look outside.  I was unaware that a line of cement trucks had appeared on the street.  The first truck in the line stopped right in front of the house and started turning his load.   Screams erupt...and both boys are awake...

I even went outside and asked VERY NICELY if they could stop further up the street instead of in front of my house.  The guy said sure, but the next truck did the same thing much for a little common courtesy...

Anyhow, there is no recreating the perfect day...there are too many factors at play.  I still had a decent week.  It was my first week by myself during the day all week (except for a short visit from Mommom on Wednesday).  Here it is Friday evening and I survived! 

Mike is running the Army Ten Miler on Sunday with his brother, so we will be doing our first hotel stay with the boys.  Nervous, but excited for that...

Family photo from "cement truck day" aka "no baby wants to sleep" day


Ben sitting like a big man in the car (we were PARKED)

Jack on the left

Awesome onesies!  Gifts from Mikes coworker

Gifts from my Aunt Linda

Jack learning to hold his first ball
Ben in the bouncy standby thingy

The only good nap they had was in the stroller while I ran today.  I walked around for an extra 30 minutes because they were sleeping so well.  My stopping to take this picture woke them up...

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