Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Spinach and the 10 week 6 day ultrasound

Both babies at 10 weeks 6 days

Being a vegetarian, I have been paranoid about not getting enought iron.  I looked up good iron sources, and listed were liver and red meat...which I don't plan on eating.  Another good source of iron is spinach, which I eat have been eating like crazy.  We found a recipe for a spinach, feta, and ricotta casserole, which called for 2 pounds of fresh spinach.  That is a lot of spinach...  We had an entire reusable grocery bag full of spinach, and had to cook it down in batches to get it to fit in the casserole.  Also, you can put spinach in eggs, on sandwiches, on pizza, in pasta sauce, in salads, pretty much everything I eat I have been adding spinach to...

Well, I learned that my iron levels are high, so maybe I can cool it a bit with the crazy lady spinach eating obsession.  Which is probably good, becasue at work today, one of my really awesome co-workers made lunch and brought a vegan salad, complete with spinach...  I looked at the spinach and thought, oh no!  Not more spinach!  So, I am thinking I might be "spinached out" if that it a thing.  Is it a thing?  I think its a thing...

So, at the doc yesterday, iron looked good, my throid hormones are within normal (thanks to the meds), and most importantly, our babies look great.  The subshorionic hemmorage was about the same size, but it wasn't larger and there hasn't been any bleeding.  The doc seemed fairly positive/optimistic about this, so I am not very worried at this point, but they do advise me to continue restricting my activity to virtually no activity...which is not as fun as one might think...at least there is time to blog:)

The babies are really moving around now.  The videos from this week are the best!

This is Baby B kicking and moving all around!  A future runner perhaps?

This is Baby A with the hiccups.  Poor baby had too much amniotic fluid too drink. 

Both babies moving around in same shot!

Baby A length 39.22mm

Baby A Heart Rate 159.57bpm

Baby A's legs!

Baby B Heart Rate 166.67

Baby B Length 35.97

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