Thursday, February 21, 2013

First trimester screen and new OB

We had our first trimester screen (nuchal translucency) on Tuesday.  This is a combined blood test and ultrasound exam where they asses the babies' risk for Down Syndrome and 2 other less common genetic problems.  It is not a test, as in they can't tell you for sure one way or another, but they give you the odds of the babies having a problem.  Our babies chance of having Down Syndrome is very low, 1 in 8,761.  The chance of having one of the other two genetic abnormalities is less than 1 in 10,000.  Yippee!!

The ultrasound tech gave us lots of photos but this office would not allow videos:(  Mostly, Baby A, which they labeled as Baby 1 or Fetus 1 in the photos, was moving all around Baby B, who was in a spot where it was hard to get a good image.  It was really pretty funny, it was almost like Baby A was trying to kick Baby B awake so that we could get a better view.  Even after trying a bunch of things to get Baby B to wake up (coughing, drinking water, jabbing with the ultrasound probe (ouch)), we still didn't get a great view.

I wonder if that will be their personalities once they are born - one calm child and one crazy hyper child.  Only time will tell!

We met the new obstetrician today.  She was excellent and really took time to answer my questions.  I will see one of the two doctors or two nurse midwives in their office monthly until 28 weeks (unless there are issues) and after 28 weeks, we will be in weekly.  We will also be seeing a perinatologist (high risk doctor) in conjunction with the obstetrician due to identical twins, plus my hypertension and hypothyroidism.

Mommy at 13 weeks pregnant!

No more ultrasounds for awhile - gender scan in mid-March!  We didn't get any clues in the pictures below, unless I missed something:)  Enjoy!

Baby A profile with hand ready for a high five
Another Baby A profile
Baby A kissing Baby B on the head!
Both babies heads side by side.  Chins are facing opposite directions.

I call this one "The Scream."  (google the scream by Edvard Munch)  Also kind of looks like alien heads.

Baby A wants a high five for efforts to wake up Baby B.

Baby A full length shot with hand by head

Baby A with hand on forehead.

Baby A backside, you can see the spine.

The only view we got of Baby B.

First Trimester Screen Report

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