Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Much Ado About Nothing...

We had a bit of a scare two weeks ago and I haven't felt like writing about it...
I woke up, did the usual pregnant lady bathroom trip, got back in to bed, and noticed a wet spot on the sheets.  I turned on the lamp, and sure enough, there was fluid...enough to wet the top and bottom sheets making a spot about 8 inches in diameter.  The fluid was clear and odorless.  I had been having a few drips show up for the previous 3 days, fluid of similar consistency and nothing that seemed like normal discharge to me.  The next day I called my OB and they advised me to go to the hospital.

After some waiting...well, lets say a lot of waiting, they checked my cervix and said it was closed, which is good.  They took a sample of fluid from around the cervix area and looked at it under the microscope and said everything looked normal.  After some pleading on my part, they checked both babies and the amniotic fluid using an ultrasound scan.  Again, everything looked normal.

Side note, note sure why they were so insensitive at the hospital.  Once they found the cervix to be closed, they were about to send me on my way.  When I asked if they were going to check on the babies, the doctor actually said there would be nothing they could do if there was something wrong.  Really?!  That's what you tell your patients you crazy jerk?!  Well, the look on my face must have said it all, because he changed his tone and said he would see if they could do an ultrasound at the attached maternal fetal medicine office, which thankfully they did and the doctor there was super nice!

They said to resume normal activity.  I continued to have some small drips of fluid, I am talking dime sized drips every 4-6 hours, for 3 more days.  I went to work for a few hours the next day, but couldn't take it, so I went home and put my feet up.  No issues since and the last leakage was 1.5 weeks ago.

The positive side to the whole crazy story is that when I talked with the really nice doctor at Maternal Fetal Medicine, she said since my twins share a placenta, I should have appointments scheduled every two weeks to monitor for Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome and an anatomy and growth scan every four weeks.  No one had told us about that and we were able to schedule those appointments while we were there.

Today we went in for our 16 week monitoring, the first of many!  Everything looked normal and healthy!!!  Amniotic fluid was fine!  The two of them were moving around some much the poor ultrasound tech had trouble getting all of the information she needed.  It was great to see them moving around and active.  Initally, she had asked me if I thought I felt movement yet, and when I felt some jabs here and there since Friday, she looked a bit skeptical.  Once she saw them moving around like crazy in there, she said that she wouldn't be surprised if I was already feeling them moving around at 16 weeks.  Also, she said the placenta is all in the back, so the front was "nice and thin."

Both babies together, lying on top of one another, one head is on the right, the other on the left.
Baby B (aka Baby 2) profile shot.  The little bugger was moving around so much it make his features look blurred.

Baby A (aka Baby 1) sat still enough for a photo!

On Saturday, Mike and I went to a Mothers of Multiples Second Hand Sale.  This one was in Pennsylvania and we were using it as a practice for one coming up in Delaware in April.  It started at 10am; we got there at 9:45.  The line was around the building!  By the time we were inside, most of the "gear" type items were sold, but we did pick up a nice changing table.  There were a lot of clothes, so once we know if we are having boys or girls, we will be able to take advantage of that too!  We kind of figured it was going to be like a black friday of sorts, so now we are planning on going to go to the DE sale early.

Nicole @ Mothers of Multples Sale!

Mike with the changing table we bought.

We picked up a new changing pad and cover at Buy Buy Baby and started a Baby Registry there!  

Diaper Bag Daddy!  Mike modeling the diaper bag we picked out at Babies R Us! 
Me with the same Diaper Bag!
On Saturday, we are going for an elective ultrasound and will find out if we are having boys or girls!  Both sets of grandparents will be there for the big news.  Most of the old wives tales point to boys, which is what I have thought from the beginning, but something tells me it has to be girls.  Either way, we can't wait to see our babies again on Saturday.  And it will be nice to see our parents too:)

What is your prediction?  Boys or girls?!

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