Thursday, January 23, 2014

6 months old!

I can't believe my babies are 6 months old already.  The days sometimes seem endless, but when I think about it, I can't believe 6 months have passed already.  Jack and Ben's Pop turns 75 years old today...what a day to share!

Pop with his 9th and 10th grandchildren.  Jack on left.

As for me, it's hard to believe that it's been 6 month since I gave birth to two babies.  I have two sons! They are amazing, adorable, and full of love for their parents!  Mike is an amazing dad and I feel so blessed to have my wonderful family!
I grew two babies at once!

But not to take anything away from them on their special day...

16lbs 9 oz
25 inches
Likes to lay on his back, arch his back and kick his legs, doing what we call "the butt scoot"
Likes to eat, but doesn't get messy
Smiles with his tongue sticking out
Has a fuzzy head

Jack at 6 months!

16 lbs 8.5 oz
25 inches
Likes to grab his toes
Likes to hold his own spoon when he eats, therefore, a lot of food gets on his face, neck, clothes, hands, high chair, floor, and on mommy. 
Smiles at everyone
Has a half smile sometimes

Ben at 6 months showing his half smile




Jack with his tongue smile:)

Ben looking studious!

Too cute for words!

Ben and that adorable half smile

Jack being so sweet!

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