Monday, January 20, 2014


Both boys have been sleeping well lately.  Which means mom and dad are sleeping well...sleeping better at least.  At this point, I am programmed to wake up in the middle of the night, crying baby or not.  Two night ago, I awoke to look at the clock, expecting to see 1:00 or was 5:15.  Hallelujah! My little peanuts will be six months old soon!  Wow!

Other updates...

I ran a 5k on New Years Day thanks to my new running friend and fellow stroller pusher!
Holding Ben, Jack was sleeping:)

Our New Years babies...Ben
And Jack!

Visit from the boys' favorite cousin/Godmother!

Daddy and Ben

During the first "Polar Vortex," we got stir crazy and turned to jogging stroller into a sled!
Despite the frigid temps, the boys snoozed happily in the stroller!

Ben on left...  The boys are cuties!  I had to retire those pjs. They are wearing 12 month stuff!!!

Who's who?

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