Wednesday, July 31, 2013

1 week old:). Home from NICU soon?

To go home: 

Gain weight
Jack 1930g (up from 1890g) ~about 4lb 4oz
Ben 1970g (up from 1930g) ~about 4lb 5.5oz

Regulate body temp
Both isolettes were at 28C and boys were staying warm.  NICU room temp is 28C so they might be out of isolettes tomorrow

Take all feeding by mouth
Jack still taking some by gavage (feeding tube)
Ben has been feeding on his own (ad lib) for 24+ hours and has still gained weight

They have to pass a 90 minute carseat test.  Monitored closely for oxygen desaturations while sitting in carseat for 90 min.  The staff will show us how to support a preemie in the carseat with rolled receiving blankets.  Carseats aren't designed for babies under 5lb.  We are bringing our carseats to the hospital this morning!

Ben may be coming home soon!  Jack will be right behind him!

Happy Jack

Jack and Mommy

Still hungry?  Jack

Ben stretching

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