Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 4 with our twins in the NICU

After pumping around 11pm of my last night in the hospital, we went down to the NICU to help with the midnight care time.  Because they are preemies, they need their sleep to grow, so we try to let them rest until their care time, which is every three hours (12, 3am, 6, 9, 12, 3, 6, and 9 pm).  For care time, we get to take their temperature, change their diaper, and assist with feeding them (so far only gavage feeding while some holds them (skin to skin or swaddled).

Midnight NICU trip.  I have my pumped milk and some ice water.  It is nice and warm in the NICU, good for babies, not for moms healing from major abdominal surgery.

Daddy holds Jack's hand

Jack gets to try taking food by mouth for the first time

He loved hearing Mommy's voice

He threw up all over Mommy.  Mommy loves him!

Ben had no more nasal cannula and no more IV line!

Daddy with our mostly tube free Ben.

Love these boys!

Benjamin Michael Merrick - 3.5 days old (still our midnight NICU visit)

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