Monday, July 29, 2013

NICU visit going on 5 days old

Seeing Jack for the first time without his nasal cannula.  He was sleeping but opened one eye when he heard his Mommy and Daddy.

Bens side of the room, I am sitting on Jack's side, which looks the identical

I nursed both boys at their noon feeding, they both latched and practiced feeding, but are not ready for a full feeding.  They get too tired and fall asleep before getting enough calories.  As preemies, when they are too tired, they forget to breathe.  Here, at his 3pm feeding, Ben gets his first full bottle of my pumped milk.  He took 19mL by bottle and the remaining 10 mL thought his feeding tube (in his nose through his stomach).  2 hours earlier, he had pulled the tube out, despite it being taped to his face...  His nurse yesterday, Anne, kept calling him "wiggly."  We all think he'd be rolling over already if they weren't pitting bumpers around him in his isolette.

I have been pumping for 5 full days now and am almost making enough milk at each pumping for both boys (sometimes enough, sometimes about 10-15mL short)!  I think that is really incredible!

Mommy and Ben snuggling!  So happy:)

Daddy got to bottle feed Jack a whole feeding of breast milk as well.  Jack took 9mL through the bottle (more than the nurse thought he would) and the rest through his feeding tube.  Since we were both holding our boys at the same time, the nurse balanced the syringe connected to Jack's feeding tube on Mike's shoulder for a minute so he could take our pictures!  The NICU nurses are so wonderful.

Daddy and Jack snuggling after feeding.  The boys slept on our shoulders for about half an hour!

Jack sleeping

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