Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Prayers needed

We had our 33 week (33+1) BPP, Doppler, and weight estimate ultrasound today.

Baby A only gained 1 oz over the last two weeks and Baby B only gained 6 oz.  

Both babies' estimated weights were 3 lb 9 oz.
Baby A 1613 grams (below the 10th percentile)
Baby B 1629 grams (just barely above the 10th percentile)

This result, combined with the Doppler blood flow data on both umbilical cords indicates that the babies' shared placenta is beginning to break down/degrade.  Baby B's blood flow data through the cord showed occasional intermittent reversals of blood flow, which is bad bad news.  The resistance on Baby A's cord is high as well (that is bad).  

From the perinatologists office, we were sent straight over to the hospital for a steroid injection.  This will help the babies lungs mature more quickly if we do have to deliver  early.  I go back for a second shot tomorrow morning.

The perinatologist will check the blood flow again Friday afternoon (7 weeks early).  If things look any worse, we will probably deliver the boys Friday or this weekend.  Otherwise, if things look better or the same, we will be having BBP and Doppler blood flow studies done every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  If we make it to 35 weeks, we will deliver then, so the latest the boys will be born is July 23, which is 5 weeks early.

As much as I've prepared myself for the possibility of preemie babies since we found out we were having twins, the reality of the perinatologist recommending the steroid shots today was pretty scary.  I just have this mental image of a chubby newborn being placed in my arms after laboring.  Replacing that image with a tiny 3.5 pound baby being whisked away and connected to IVs and oxygen and monitors is difficult to do.  But, I know we have to do what is best for the babies at this point.  The doctor also  mentioned a high chance of stillborn babies when the placenta starts to degrade, which was also very frightening (hence the frequent check ups).  I am thankful for every movement I feel, knowing they are still alive in there.

Meanwhile, I am resting as much as possible, eating healthy with lots of protein, and trying to mentally prepare myself for what's to come.  I think I am going to ask Mike to help me pack my hospital bag to bring to our appointment on Friday.  

It is very likely the boys are going to have a rough first few weeks, but I am confident that our doctors are making the right choices to care for the babies in the best possible way.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Hi Nicole,
    Your comment about picturing a chubby newborn really struck me, because a friend of mine had a preemie recently. Baby August came 8-10 weeks early and was really tiny. He was in the NICU for several weeks. It was definitely not the experience they expected, and it was hard. But I visited them recently, and Baby August is fine and growing, and the stress of that time is all behind them. In fact, August looks just like the chubby newborn they were hoping for. It didn't happen how they expected, but they got to the place they wanted to be, and you will too. I can't imagine that you & Mike would create anything less than two scrappy athletes, so I think these kids will be fine (though I wouldn't put it past Baby B to steal Baby A's pudding pop/crayons/etc). You'll be teaching them to throw a flick in no time, and just think--if you make 1 more, you can play zone and make them run the cup! Hang in there! xoxo, Meredith

  2. Meredith: thanks so much for sharing a story with a positive outcome. Picturing our boys throwing flicks and running cup definitely put a smile on my face!

  3. How awesome Mike has been by your side the whole time. Together you can get through anything. Stay strong, we are thinking of you and hoping for good news!

  4. Hi Mike and Nicole. Stay positive, I know it's scary. My twins were born at 31 weeks and were 3lbs and 2.9lbs. I will continue to pray for you all. DANEAN JONES
